JULY Theme 2022:  LIVING EVERYDAY WONDER Relationships

There is only God. The way we relate to ourselves, one another, the world, and with The Universal Power are all interconnected and inseparable. We cannot claim to love God while hating ourselves. We cannot declare that it is a Just and Equitable Universe while treating others (people, animals, the Earth) unjustly and inequitably. This month is the invitation to anchor in the Spiritual Practice of Engaged Relationships and actively revel in the wonder of how each relationship is ultimately a relationship of Spirit with ItSelf.

July 3rd • Me, Myself, and I

The relationship we have with ourselves is the foundation upon which all other relationships are formed. Which do we choose: self-love or self-hatred, self-worth or invalidation of self? Our invitation today is to learn how to love ourselves and to practice this deeper, fuller, more complete embodiment of love.

July 10th • You and I are We

Let’s explore the relationships we have with those closest to us and those farthest from us and how all are shaped by how each of us understands and relates to the collective “We.” There can be no wonder or peace if we hold contempt and distrust for the collective “We.”

July 17th • You and I Create Society

The relationships we have with the broader gathering of people is what has created and continues to create societies. The agreements we make consciously and those we agree to by default are what affect and govern how we interact and relate to one another.

July 24th • We are Star Stuff

When we are in harmony with and in respectful relationship with all of nature, we find a level of sacredness and beauty we were previously oblivious to. Nature, the universe is the physical expression of the body of God, why would we ever desecrate our relationship with it?

July 31st • The One and Only

No matter who or what the relationship is, it must be a relationship with God since God is All there Is. And ultimately it is a demonstration of God’s relationship with ItSelf. We can participate in this consciously and welcome more wonder and awe or unconsciously and keep reaping what we see in the world of collective consciousness.

Join us in person at CCArts in Yorklyn DE

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